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UE4 ASSET UE4 Props SCIFI / Fantasy Mushroom


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SCIFI / Fantasy Mushroom in Props - UE Marketplace

6 Mushroom with 5 LOD step, can be used in a SCI FI and Fantasy Environment.

Описание / Description:

5 типов грибов с 5 вариациями LOD'ов. LOD'ы включают в себя размер вершин и текстур.

примечание :
1. предметы используют только 1 анимацию и скелет (SA_Mushroom_Item_Animation_Universal and SK_Mushroom_Item_Universal)
добавлен дополнительный гриб: Круглый колокольчик

Имена грибов:
  1. mobius white
  2. wood tapanela
  3. swarkama
  4. scalia gem
  5. nutter cape
  6. round bell
  7. Honey Cap
апдейт 2:
  • добавлен гриб “honey cap”.
  • апдейт до версии 4.19

Технические детали / Technical Details:

  • 5 LOD step on all mesh (vertex and texture size)
  • variety of mushroom (6), some of mushroom are skeletal mesh and animated.
  • PBR based material
  • wide range of texture size
Texture Sizes:
  • 2k
  • 1k
  • 512
  • 256
  • 128
Scaled to Epic skeleton: yes
Collision: yes (multi convex and single convex)
Vertex Count: varied
LODs: 5
Number of Meshes: 23 (1 from mannequin)
Number of Materials : 46 (1 from mannequin)
Number of Texture : 149 (5 from mannequin texture)

note : more asset to be added, and price will rise accordingly. early backer will have updated asset for free.

Верх Низ